1. Each student is required to comment on Ms. Thomas's blog as assigned. Watch the homework board for the blog due dates, or check the blog page. 2. Blog comments are due by midnight on the due date, even if it is not a school day. All comments are date and time stamped when posted. 3. You must sign in with a google account, and your google account must identify you or you won't get credit. Please use some form of your first and/or last name, but never your full name. 4. A blog comment must be 100 words or more. You may post more than once, but only the first one will be graded. 5. Blog comments are worth 20 points and are graded based on writing mechanics (grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization). 6. Never post anything personal. No pictures of yourself and no addresses. If you create a profile, it must be fictional. 7. Always use appropriate academic language; afterall, this is a school activity! It is not myspace or a text message. Use correct spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation. Your grade is dependent on writing conventions. 8. Respect your classmates and their ideas. Just like in class, all ideas are valid and valued. If you disagree, do so with respect and kindness.
1. Click on the word "COMMENTS" under the blog topic. 2. To see the topic questions, click "Show Original Post" under the title of the blog. 3. Write your comments in the "Leave your comment" box. You may want to type them in Word and then copy and paste if you are afraid of losing your writing. 4. Sign in. Your username is your full email address. Enter your password. 5. Click "PUBLISH." There must be something written in the "Leave your comment" box in order to sign in.